© cooperrepco ltd 2010
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If things go to plan, more pagerams will appear. At the moment there is just the original. Start reading now -


pageram - Rob Mumford’s story of his efforts to rediscover the joys of boredom. The problem is, life just won’t let him.

Do you have a pageram in you?


Visit our guide for writers - or “wrammers” as we like to call them - and see how it’s done.


The guide tells you all that you need to know. You don’t need to produce a full-length novel; short stories are ideal for ramming.

Do you have an idea for new ways to ram information?


When we first started pageramming, it was just text and photos in the rampane. In a short while we’d included videos, and then we recognised the power of Streetview.


Our next project will include bespoke videos and recorded conversations.


If you have an idea for a new way to deliver content, let us know and we shall credit you in a roll of honour.



“Why has this not been done before?”

Simon’s view of pageramming
“This is genius, nice one.

I have just read it and I cried laughing.  I agree with you about cats too.”

Victoria provides a very kind review of
Chapter 1 of the first pageram